Thursday, April 21, 2011

What I Got At McDonalds

Have you ever heard of a Great Pryenees? They are great big dogs that are bred and trained to guard small live stock like chickens, sheep and goats.

We want one. With 20 acres of woods on our property, we're bound to have some problems with coyotes, foxes, hawks, ect... We had contacted a breeder a month or so ago about getting a puppy, but having only chickens at the time and not knowing how soon we would be getting any other animals, we didn't feel like it would be a good idea to spend money on a full blooded dog (that would be a HUGE mouth to feed) just to protect the chickens. So we backed out.

Now we have rabbits, baby chicks, we're talking about getting more baby chicks and goats, and sheep and cows are looking like a real possibility...wishing we had that dog...

So we went to McDonalds Laying casually in front of McDonald's front door is a Great Pyrenees. People were having to step over him to get in the door. I thought it was pretty strange that someone would bring their dog to a fast food place, let him out of the car and let him lay on the front step, but we are in Kentucky...

Then I saw some one bring him a cheese burger. I thought the guy was his owner until he got in his truck and drove away. We talked to the people who work at McD's and they said they were pretty sure he was a stray...he just kind of came and went. Next stop, the police station to ask about reported missing dogs...none. I asked if we can take him. They seemed delighted about having one less dog to worry about.

We finished our errands in town and went back to McD's to lured the dog into the back of the van with a cheese burger. It worked and we now have a huge, if not full blooded - very close to it, Great Pyrenees dog on our farm for the price of a double cheese burger.

On the way home, we laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation and how bizarre God is sometimes...I mean, McDonald's? Really? I also mentioned that all we need now is something to catch mice. That evening a cat showed, ok.

We also realized that he is a she...we named her Daisy. She's already HUGE, but she's still a puppy and has a lot of growing to do. Oh my. Besides feeding her, our major problem at this point is that our un-neutered male, Rocket, would like to make Great Pyrenees/Golden Retriever, NO! He may be having an operation done soon...poor Rocket.

So friends, meet Daisy!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another give away! Check out the Homestead Revival blog...good stuff!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Job!

Everyone's major concern when we moved to Kentucky was that there are no jobs here. I know people were concerned that Quentin wouldn't be able to find work. Well, today was his first day of work! :) I'm telling you, there is no amount of logic that should prevent us from following the Lord's will. I am so blessed by God's endless provision.

Thank you all for praying for us! I talked to him on his lunch break and he said everything is going well. His only complaint is that he's a little bored because they are having a slow day...but they assure him not everyday is slow. Oh, and some guy came in with his little boy and it made him miss us. It will be an adjustment for all of us to have Daddy gone all day, but I know God will give us the grace we need.

Speaking of Daddy being gone all day now...Please pray I have this baby SOON! My parents need to go back home on Saturday and it sure would be nice to have a few days of help AFTER the baby is born! Thank you!

Looks like God is answering our prayers for farm animals as well. We are excited, but nothing is in stone yet, so I'll wait to give that update later. All I'll say now is BAA and MOO! :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I know, I know, I still don't have any pictures to add. The only internet access we have right now is at the library and we are trying not to go into town more than once a week. Anyway... We are doing really well. I am totally loving living here! Yes, even the house. Now that its full of our stuff instead of the Landlord's stuff, it feels much more like our home. And although, most of our stuff is still spewing from the tops of hastily opened boxes, we're slowly but surely getting unpacked. We have already met some wonderful people here and hope to continue to build relationships. As far as pregnancy goes, I'm 38 1/2 weeks along. I really could go into labor at any point now. The funny thing is, I feel better right now than I have most of the pregnancy...go figure! We are all excited to meet Amos soon and we are so glad to have a good, godly midwife who will be attending his birth. Things to keep in prayer: Quentin does have a lead on a job. Pray it comes through for us and that it will be enough pay/hours. Pregnancy, of course. Animals - we have some opportunites to buy a good milking cow, and are also hoping to get a good group of sheep soon. We are praying the Lord provides the money for these and a few other things we'd like to get into. We are missing friends, but so glad to be here. Love you all!